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Try Qobuz for free now!

Elevate your personal music experience with the highest sound quality available. Try Hi-Res music streaming free now for 2 months!

Why Qobuz?

Qobuz is the only streaming service with a different approach to online music. Unique editorial articles, tailored recommendations, original album reviews and accurate portrayals of artists, access to millions of digital booklets… and an uncompromising sound quality.

Qobuz Studio Premier offers a catalogue of more than 100 million tracks available in bit-perfect playback in CD Quality (16-Bit/44.1 kHz) and Hi-Res Audio quality (FLAC 24-Bit up to 192 kHz).

Use or to transfer your playlists and favorites from the streaming service of your choice. All that's left is for you to try the Qobuz difference!

Click here to receive 2 months of free Qobuz!

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